The B Team is a group of young Actors with varying ranges, abilities, and credits... that are looking to share their gifts and talents with the world...Be on the look out for these up and coming stars... they are destined for greatness.

Bisa Dawes

Bisa Y. Dawes


HEIGHT: 5’8”1/2 HAIR: Dark Brown WEIGHT: 150 EYES: Dark Brown



Forbidden Bounty Renadablue Productions LLC Nina



Faith in the Furnace Chesapeake Arts Theatre Lila

The Belly of a Woman Sojourner Auditorium Various Roles

You Know I’m Crazy Yo! Patterson Theatre Lead Comic

And I Ain’t Finished Yet Lincoln Theatre Various Roles

Who Can I Talk To Brown Auditorium Various Roles

Best of Nu World Patterson Theatre Various Roles

Nu World Comedy Show Theatre Project Lead Comic

Life Struggles Center Stage Various Roles

Tales from the Body Bag Turner Auditorium Lakiesha

Shadows of Fear Turner Auditorium Various Roles

The Wiz Coppin Auditorium Chorus

Westside Story Coppin Auditorium Consuelo

Grease Coppin Auditorium Frenchy

Twas with a Twist Walbrook Auditorium Myrtle

¬The Toy Store Walbrook Auditorium Raggedy Ann

Blindfolds Walbrook Auditorium Various Roles

The Legacy Towson Fine Arts Ctr. Various Roles


On Camera Acting Workshops w/ Linda Townsend & Acting Workshops w/ WombWork Productions Director, Kay Lawal-Muhammed; CHORUS SINGING- Tenor; 6 yrs WombWork Productions w/ Nataska Hasaan


New York, Valley Girl, Southern, Caribbean, Latin

Date Picture Taken: Spring 2010